Interlibrary Loan Policy




Α. CUT Library as Library customer

1. Right of using the service 

2. Prerequisites of using the service for the CUT Library members

3. Borrowing material 

4. Cost of service

5. Ways of submitting the application form of interlibrary loan service 

6. Applications processing time from CUT Library

7. Cancelling of interlibrary loan applications 

8. Receipt of material from the CUT Library-Supplier 

9. Receipt of material from the CUT Library members 

10. Period of loan

11. Return of borrowed material  

Β. CUT LIbrary as Library - Supplier 

1. Right of using the service

2. Prerequisites of using the service 

3. Material for loan 

4. Ways of submitting an interlibrary loan 

5. Cancelling of interlibrary loan  

6. Sending of material to the Library - customer 

7. Duration  of loan 

8. Return of the borrowed material  

9. Copyrights Management 



The Library and the Information Service of Cyprus University of Technology (from now on CUT Library) since 2007 offers to its members the Interlibrary Loan service (Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery). Also it cooperates with the British Library and with the Consortium of German Academic Libraries (Subito) the National Network of Professional and Technology Libraries and the Network of Interlibrary Loan of Greek Academic Libraries (VDX) for the better coverage of the information needs of its users. .



Interibrary Loan is the service that is provided to the users for the better coverage of the information and research needs. When the local collections are not positioned to satisfy the information needs of the users, then the libraries, in terms of offered quality, they address to other libraries to cover these needs.

The Interlibrary Loan intends to complete the local collections and it is not a substitute of collections that the libraries develop for the coverage of information and research needs of users. It is based on the principle of common use of resources between the libraries and it is based on the belief that the library, regardless of how well it is supported, is not self-sufficient to the today’s world. It is also obvious that some libraries have the role of Library-Customer (they lent more than they offer) and others are clearly Libraries – Suppliers (they offer more than they lent). The Interlibrary Loan service is based on the belief that all the libraries have to be ready to lent, if they are willing to borrow. 

Library – Customer is the Library that submits an application form for borrowing material to the Library – Supplier, because this is not available in its collections.

Library – Supplier is the Library that lends its material to the Library-Customer. 



The objective of this text is to formulate the policy of the Library regarding the Interlibrary Loan service. Its drafting was deemed fit as part of the whole policy of functioning of the Library and in light of the provision of increasing the moving of the Interlibrary Loan of the Library. 


Α. CUT Library as Library customer


1. Right of using the service

The interlibrary loan service is offered to all the registered members of the CUT library, except of the Cooperation Members (members of other Cyprus academic libraries with which the CUT Library cooperates with), which have to be addressed to the Library to which they belong. 



Coverage of service cost 

Academic Staff

Library Funds

Special Scientist

Library Funds

Undergraduate students

Personal charges

Postgraduate students

Library Funds

PHD Students

Library Funds

Erasmus Students

Personal charges


Personal charges

External member

Personal charges

Medical and parametical Staff 

Personal charges

Administrative staff

Personal charges


2. Prerequisites of using the service for the members of CUT Library


The members ought to:

. Have a Library member card

. To insure that the material is not available to the CUT Library’s material before the file an application for material for Interlibrary loan.

. To correctly and fully complete the personal and bibliographical data requested for the processing and implementation of their application.

. To cover the cost of the service, as well as the additional charges that concern delay, damage and loss of the borrowed exhibit.

. To follow the rules of Interlibrary Loan of the Library-Supplier.

. To follow the rules of the Interlibrary loan of the Library – Supplier. The CUT library informs its members for the rights of using the material that derives from the policies of the cooperating Libraries.


The staff of the CUT Library cannot proceed to the completion of  the application of Interlibrary loan if the user has any pending to the Library.


The number of the Interlibrary loan applications which every member has to submit is different depending on the member category. In any case, the member cannot exceed in whole the limit of borrowed exhibits in his/hers personal account as this is defined by the rules of the functioning of the library. 


3. Material for Borrowing

Type of material that can be requested by the members of CUT Library for Interlibrary loan from other Libraries:

·         Printed books

·         Abstracts / book chapters

·         Articles from online journals

·         Articles from printed journals

·         PhD thesis

·         Conference meetings

·         Conference Presentations


4. Cost of service




British Library - UK

Article  € 30 (minimum ammount)

Book € 30

Subito - Germany

Article € 6-11

Book € 13

ΕΚΤ - Greece

Article € 2-15

VDX - Greece

Book € 30

Union Catalogue of Cyprus Libraries 

Book € 20

Article Free 


* Note: The prices are indicative. The charges of the partner Libraries are modified depending on the shipping method and the content’s weight. 


The total cost of the Interlibrary loan Service for the members of CUT Library consists of the following charges:

. Charge of Library – Supplier (if applicable)

. Shipping- return charges of exhibit(s) in the Library – Supplier (it is only valid at the borrowing cases of printed material)

. CUT Charge for the Interlibrary loan Service of 15%

. V.A.T. Charge (it is fully implemented depending on the current V.A.T. percentage for the services)


5. Ways of submitting the Interlibrary loan application

. Fill in of the online form of interlibrary loan of a book/article through the Library’s website.

. Visit the area of the Library and fill in of the form “Ε-ΥΒ 0453.0 Application of interlibrary loan of book/article”. 


6. Processing time of applications from the CUT Library


The supporting staff of the Interlibrary Loan application directly includes the applications from the members and within the same day or the next one the personnel sends the request to the Library – Supplier. The responding time from the partner Library differs depending on the Library.


Reasons of possible delay of handling the Interlibrary loan request:

. The Library – Supplier did not respond or time or did not respond at all at the request of CUT Library.

. The Library – Supplier did not send the exhibit on time (through post office, email, etc.) to the CUT Library

. The material was not found to the Partner Libraries (locally and abroad) and the personnel of the CUT Library tried to find it through other sources. 


7. Cancellation of application of Interlibrary loan 


Cancellation of user’s application: this is only possible when there is no processing of the application from the personnel of the Interlibrary loan service. Otherwise, the user is obliged to receive the exhibit and to pay the cost of the service (in case of a personal charge). In case that the user refuses to pay off his/hers obligations, then the right of borrowing from the CUT Library is suspended until this financial abeyance is settled.

. Cancellation of application by the personnel of CUT Library: the personnel of the Interlibrary Loan has the ability to cancel the application when:

o    The personal or bibliographical data on the Interlibrary loan application are not fully inserted or correct and the personnel did not manage to communicate with the user.

o    The material requested already exists in the CUT Library.

o    The exhibit cannot be found in the partner Libraries or in other sources

o    Cancellation of application by the Library – Supplier: the Library – Supplier has the ability to cancel the application when:

o    The material is already borrowed

o    The material is lost

o    The material belongs to the non-borrowed collection

o    The material is a version that falls into limitations by the publisher (e.g. really new publishing, etc.)



8. Receiving of material from the Library - Supplier 


The time required for the collection of material is defined from the Library that will lend the material (Library – Supplier) and this is affected by the way of transferring the material.

The CUT library collects the material from the Library – Supplier as follows:

. Post office

. Courier

. Fax

. E-mail

. Download of file from the supplier’s website


9. Receiving of material from the CUT Library members 


. Printed material

After the exhibit/s is/are received by the CUT Library the Library’s personnel directly informs the interested member by telephone and/or through email, to come and receive the exhibit/s. Then the member signs the form of receipt of exhibit through Interlibrary Loan and it is informed about the exact date of return by relevant form, placed in the book.

If two (2) days before the date of expiration of the Interlibrary loan the member do not come to receive the material, then the material returns to the Library – Supplier, and the member is charged with the Interlibrary loan charge from the Library – Supplier as well as the shipping expenses.

For material received through fax, this is printed and it is given to the personally to the interested party. This material remains to the disposal of the user and there is no need to be returned back to the Library – Supplier. The user does not fill in a form of receiving exhibit. The user does not fill in a form of receiving an exhibit of Interlibrary Loan.

. Online material

Material which is sent to the CUT Library through email, it is forwarded to the interested member through email and/or it is printed and personally given. The online material remains at the user’s disposal and there is no need to be returned back to the Library – Supplier. The user does not fill in a form of receiving an Interlibrary Loan exhibit.

Note: When there is a personal charge of the member for the Interlibrary Loan service of form and/or online material, the cost is always paid off in advance.



10. Duration of loan  


The photocopies of exhibits (e.g. articles, journals, book chapters, etc.) remain in the user’s disposal and there is no need for them to be returned to the Library – Supplier.

The borrowing duration for every other type of printed material is defined from the Library – Supplier. If the interested party did not receive the arrived material on time from the CUT Library, then the borrowing time is reduced.


Renewal of loan:

The member can renew the borrowed material (if the Library – Supplier permits it), after informing the CUT Library personnel at least four (4) days before (calculation of days depending on the time requested for the returning of material).

Recall of material:

The CUT Library personnel has the right to recall the material from the user if requested so from the Library – Supplier.


11. Returning of borrowing material  

The member has to return the material to the CUT Library on time, pursuant to the date written on the form. This date is 3-5 working days before the return date to the Library – Supplier. The CUT Library reserves its right to charge after the return a member with the amount of the fine that may be imposed by the Library – Supplier.

The members are responsible for the good condition of the material borrowed through Interlibrary Loan when they return it to the Library. In case of damage, loss or non-return of the material the member is obliged to pay the corresponding cost of its replacement, pursuant to the Policy of Loan of the Library – Supplier.

The CUT Library returns the material to the Library – Supplier as follows:

. through post (DataPost service for Libraries abroad)

.via courier (for shipping in a Library within Cyprus)


B. CUT Library as Library Supplier 


1. Rights of using the service  


Right of using the service of Interlibrary loan of the CUT Library have all the Libraries which shares its Interlibrary loan Policy.


2. Prerequisites of using the service

The Library staff that submits an application for Interlibrary loan of material (Library – Customer) to the CUT library should:

. know the terms and conditions of using the service

. to use only the tools that are indicated from the CUT library for the submitting and follow up of their application (this is only valid through VDX)

. to correctly and completely fill in the personal data and contact information, as well as the bibliographical data of the material requested for the better processing and implementation of their request.

. to cover the cost of service, as well as the additional charges in cases of loss and damage of the borrowed material.

The Library-client has the right to request up until fifteen (15) exhibits at once. 


3. Loan material 


The CUT Library offers for Interlibrary loan all of its material which is included to the below collections:

. Short Loan Collection

. Information material Collection

. Audiovisual Material Collection

. Standards Collection


4. Ways of submitting the interlibrary loan application  


The partner Libraries which are interested in submitting a request for Interlibrary Loan material from CUT library in order to do so have to follow one of following ways:

. Interlibrary Loan request through EKT (for Greek Libraries – Interlibrary Loan ESKEP

. Request through email

. Request through the website of CUT Library (



5. Cancellation of Interlibrary loan applications

. Cancellation of application from the Library – Customer: the cancelling of the order is possible, before the CUT Library proceeds with the sending of exhibit / s towards the Library – Customer. In case this does not happen, then the Library – Customer should receive the exhibit / s and pay the shipping expenses and the expenses of returning the material back to the CUT Library.


. Cancellation of application by the personnel of CUT Library: the personnel of the service of Interlibrary Loan can cancel the application when:

o    The material is borrowed

o    The material is lost

o    The material belongs to a collection that cannot be lent

The material is an edition that falls within limitations from the publisher (e.g. a brand new edition, etc.)


6. Sending the material to the Library- Customer  


The CUT Library sends the journal articles to the Library – Customer requested them through fax and/or email.


The CUT Library sends the form/s, book/s to the Library-Customer requested it via post and/or private courier company. The Library-Customer which undertakes the delivery charges choses the shipping method. 


7. Duration of loan  


The exhibits photocopies (e.g. articles, journals, book chapters, etc.) do not have to be returned to the CUT library and they remain at the disposal of the user.

The CUT Library lends its material to the Library – Customer for a total of one (1) month from the delivery day of the material until its receipt.


Renewal of loan:

Renewal of the borrowing material is only allowed when the Library – Customer informs the CUT Library’s staff at least four (4) days before the end of deadline (calculation of days based on the time requested for the return of the material). The renewal is only possible once a month and only if the material is not requested by the CUT Library’s user.


Renewal of material:

The staff of CUT Library has the right to renew the material from the Library – Customer. 


8. Return of the borrowing material  

The Library – Customer should return the borrowed material in the best possible way regarding the ensuring its natural state and the avoidance of its loss.

In case of damage or loss of material, the Library – Customer should pay the corresponding cost of replacement of the exhibit/s, pursuant to the Loan Rules of CUT Library.

In case of delayed return of material, then the Library – Customer should pay the cost of delay of return, pursuant to the Loan Rules of CUT Library.

The cost of transferring the material from and to the CUT Library is settled by the Library – Customer.


9. Copyrights management  


The movement of material between the CUT Library and the partner Libraries take place to the following terms:

. the coverage only of the individual needs of the members of the Libraries inclusively for teachers and/or research purposes.

. the disposal of the borrowed material to libraries members in hardcopy and/or online that needs to have a form.

. to inform their members regarding the members for the protection of copyrights.