Over the last years, Digital Libraries have taken over a central role in our society. As the volume of digital material grows, and its use becomes more ubiquitous, the challenge of combining our digital futures and digital past becomes more important. Innovative methods, collaborative working and new forms of content challenge established digital library methods. Similarly, the need for increasingly sophisticated means for supporting the analysis of digital content by humanists and scientists, practitioners and academics, leads to new difficulties for the infrastructure and interface of information repositories.
The International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries is the successor of the European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL). TPDL/ECDL has been the leading European scientific forum on digital libraries for 15 years. The conference continues to bring together researchers, developers, content providers and users in the field of digital libraries. TPDL 2012 is organised by the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) in collaboration with the University of Cyprus and the City University London. It will take place in Pafos, Cyprus on 23-27 September 2012
General Chair: Panayiotis Zaphiris (Cyprus University of Technology) Program Chair: George Buchanan (City University London)
Submission Categories:- Full Research Papers
- Work in Progress (WIP): Short papers and posters
- Panels
- Demonstrations
- Doctoral Consortium
- Workshops
- Tutorials
Topics of Interest:
Authors are invited to submit research papers describing original, unpublished research that is not (and will not be) simultaneously under consideration for publication elsewhere. General areas of interests include, but are not limited to, the following topics, organized in four areas:
Applications and User Experience
- User issues in large information spaces
- Exploring Semantic Web and Linked Data
- User studies for and evaluation of digital library systems and applications
- Personal information management and personal digital libraries
- Enterprise-scale knowledge and information management
- User behaviour and modelling
- User mobility and context awareness in information access
- User interfaces for digital libraries
- Innovative interfaces and technologies for digital libraries
Foundations: Supporting Discovery
- Digital libraries: architectures and infrastructures
- Representing documents: metadata standards, ontologies and protocols
- Interoperability in digital libraries, data and information integration
- Systems, algorithms, and models for digital preservation
- Information access: retrieval and browsing
- Information organisation: automatic and manual
- Multimedia information management and retrieval
- Multilinguality in digital libraries
Digital Humanities
- Digital libraries in cultural heritage
- Understanding and supporting the work of digital humanists
- Novel research tools and methods in digital humanities
- Computational linguistics: text mining and retrieval
- Organizational aspects of digital preservation
- Information policy and legal aspects (e.g., copyright laws)
- Social networks and networked information
- Scholarly primitives
Research Data
- Architectures for large-scale data management (e.g., Grids, Clouds)
- Cyberinfrastructures: architectures, operation and evolution
- Distributed and collaborative information environments
- Data mining and extraction of structure from networked information
- Scientific data curation
- Metadata for scientific data, data provenance
- Services and workflows for scientific data
- Data and knowledge management in virtual organizations
- Information visualization
Important Dates:
Research paper submission: 30th March 2012 at 11.59pm (EET).
Work in Progress (WIP) submission: 6th April 2012 at 11.59pm (EET).
Demo submission: 30th March 2012 at 11.59pm (EET).
Notification of acceptance for full and WIP papers: May 21st 2012.
Workshop proposal submission: 30th March 2012 at 11.59pm (EET).
Tutorial proposal submission: 30th March 2012 at 11.59pm (EET).
Panel proposal submission: 30th March 2012 at 11.59pm (EET).
Contact Details:
Website: http://www.tpdl2012.org/
Twitter: #tpdl2012
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/TPDL-2012/280533611975549
Contact email: info@tpdl2012.org