Academic Publications

On the 20-21st of April 2007/21st Meeting, the Administrative Committee  decided to give to the members of the academic staff of the University the opportunity to state at the University that they have publishing and additionally to submit a copy of the publishing or their books to the library. At the same time it is decided that all the members of TAC  to submit their books and articles to the library in order to register them. 

The institutionary repository KTISIS provided the possibility of reposit scientific material to the CUT members. To submit documents at KTISIS can be done with two methods:

  • emailing to the address
  • self-archiving method: the user is registered and accepted at the system where he/she can reposit his/her project.

To submit the exhibits the registration of user at KTISIS is a precondition. The management team of the repository gives permission to the user to submit his project to the corresponding collection.