From Wednesday 31st October to Friday 2nd November 2018, an exciting transcription marathon will take place during the EUROMED 2018 Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus (www.euromed2018.eu).You are cordially invited to join the Transcribathon Euromed 2018, a one-of-a-kind competition where participants come together to transcribe and annotate as many letters, diaries and other digitised documents as possible from the online archive, Europeana 1914-1918. Take your laptop and team up with your colleagues, fellow students, friends and other history enthusiasts in the race to discover and decipher these unique, handwritten testimonies from those who lived through the First World War 100 years ago.
Teams of three to four will be assigned diaries, letters and postcards and will have two days’ time to work on them using the Europeana Transcribathon 1914-1918 transcription tool. The aim is to transcribe as many documents as possible, enrich the documents with keywords and geotags, and then present the team’s overall results. At the end of the competition, a jury will announce the winners in the categories of transcription, annotation and presentation. Two members of the winning team will win a trip to attend the International Transcribathon in Brussels on 26-27 November 2018.
Event Schedule: Wednesday 31/10/2018 | 2 - 4 pm
Presentation and Introduction to Transcribathon Europeana 1914-1918 by Frank Drauschke, Facts & Files Berlin
Formation of Teams and Start of the Race
Wednesday 31/10/2018 | 4 pm until Friday 2/11/2018| 2 pm
Working with Teams – Online and @Filoxenia Conference Center
Friday 2/11/2018| 2 pm
Team Presentations and Jury Deliberation
Friday 2/11/2018| 3.30 pmFinal Awards Ceremony
The Transcribathon Euromed 2018 is organised by Facts & Files, the UNESCO CHAIR on Digital Cultural Heritage, the Cyprus University of Technology, the Library of Cyprus University of Technology, Europeana Foundation and the EU H2020 Virtual Multimodal Museum Project in cooperation with the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture, the National Library of Cyprus, the National Committee on Digital Cultural Heritage and the Digital Champion.
Registration until the 29th of October 2018 and is free via Eventbrite: